No one could have seen this coming.
Right now, too put it lightly, the world is in panic. We have a huge unknown in front of us. I dont feel educated enough to discuss the current COVID-19 pandemic but what I do know is we are a sick society, sacrificing our day to day lives to keep ourselves as safe and healthy as we can. Oh, all while being reminded to wash my hands every 20 minutes. These have been really trying times for everyone. I lost the last few weeks of my senior year which included so many "lasts" and celebrations, I had to cancel my spring break trip, my job hunt is put on a solid pause, the half marathon I've been training for since December is canceled and I wont be able to walk in my college graduation until December. I've hated the past few days because as each of these things have changed I've noticed myself becoming more and more negative and sounding more selfish than I've ever been.
I have to remind myself that I am not the only one going through this, we all are. I'm sure you have had events canceled that you were looking forward to, possibly lost your source of income or are also missing out of a few weeks on campus. No matter what year you are in school, it's still disappointing to miss out on those memories. But here what we gotta do. We have to remember that this is all temporary.
I know preaching "stay positive!" is not going to reduce the anxiety we are all feeling or cure the coronavirus, however finding light in every situation makes the negative's feel weaker in your head. For example, the half marathon I was training for was canceled, well now I no longer have to train! While it's harder to find positives within the situation of being sent home from campus, I at least will have a crazy story to tell when I talk about my senior year.
Each day that goes by in quarantine seems to go by quicker yet gets more boring. While the bad news has been flowing in, every night before bed I write down something positive about each day and put it in my "happy happenings" jar. It has been helping me a lot, not to get sucked into negativity.
We cant see the light right now, and we are all trapped inside a dark cave that is COVID-19, but one day we will see the end of this and our lives will return to normal. We will be able to leave the house without fear, hang out with others and not leave an awkward amount of space between each other and we will wash our hands a normal amount again. But we need to get through this first. Binge watch that show you've been meaning to get into, FaceTime your friends, start a hobby you've always wanted to try! In the meantime, thank your local reporters, service industry workers, medical professionals and anyone who is working at this time. Enjoy the days of doing nothing and appreciate the slowing down of our busy lives.
We're going to get through this, this is all temporary.
"I believe that this frightfulness we see everywhere today is only temporary. Tomorrow will be better" - Walt Disney